Do Dominicans really hate Haitians and what their background?

Welcome back to my blog, today we will deal with the subject of Do Dominicans really hate Haitians and what their background is so let's get started. Since I was little in school, I have memories about what those around me in 2003 heard quite offensive things about those from the neighboring country and I did not know why and I had not placed much importance on it, I always saw that Haitians built houses and We did not have much relationship, they on their side and we on ours, I also observed Haitian women with many small children and pregnant women. The comments in my childhood were the type that those had no hygiene, that they did not bathe and that they ate disgusting things among other things, the comment was so normal that it did not sound offensive, until I saw one for the first time and in their language it called to another little thief maybe they joked with each other like that, his smell was characteristic but I imagine it was from having had a hard day at work. They ...